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Associate Professor

Brief CV

  • B.S., Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, China University of Geosciences(1989)

  • M.S, Civil Engineering, Xiamen University(2010)

  • PhD, marine geology, Xiamen University(2014)

  • Researcher, Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology(1989-2003)

  • Associate Professor, College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University(2003-present)

Research Interests

  • Coastal Hydrogeology

  • Environmental management

  • Microplastics

Selected Publications

  • Huatai Liu etc. 18O and 226Ra in the Minjiang River estuary, China and their hydrological implications, Estuarine-Coastal-and-Shelf-Science,173(2016)93-101.

  • Feng Pan, Huatai Liu(Corresponding author), Geochemical behavior of phosphorus and iron in porewater in a mangrove tidal flat and associated phosphorus input into the ocean, Continental Shelf Research 150 (2017) 65–75.

  • Xu Liu, Huatai Liu(Corresponding author), etc. Evaluating the sustainability of marine industrial parks based on the DPSIR framework, Journal of Cleaner Production 188 (2018) 158-170.

  • Feng Pan, Huatai Liu*, Zhanrong Guo, Zhiwei Li, Bo Wang , Yu Cai , Aiguo Gao, Effects of tide and season changes on the iron-sulfur-phosphorus biogeochemistry in sediment porewater of a mangrove coast, Journal of Hydrology,568(2019)686-702.
